Dear valued customers,
We will be closing our online store for 1 week beginning May 25th until June 1st in order for us to be able to catch up on our orders, and update our inventory, as well as improve our webstore.
Spring is a busy season! Even though we have staffed up more this year we can not seem to catch up to the orders that are coming in. This is a great problem to have, but we do want to make sure that we are not keeping our customers (you guys) waiting as we fulfill our orders to you. We have in the past been able to maintain a 2-3 day fulfillment window for our orders, but currently we are experiencing 5-8 business days and as long as 2 weeks before getting our orders out, which doesn't feel right and if we don't take this needed break to catch ourselves back up we won't be able to serve you all in the way we know we can and the way we expect of ourselves.
We do want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone supporting our business! Working in the EBike industry is a pleasure, we hope that one day we don't all have to get "real jobs". This is a lot of fun, but it is important that we can be quick to ship our orders, and update our store to reflect our new products that we have not had a chance to make listings for.
Thank you all! Happy E-Biking!!
Team @ Affordable EBikes Canada